Monday, June 8, 2009


Legoland was a blast. The kids loved it, plus it helped that we were one of only three families there at that particular time. They had amazing displays of characters, the Chicago skyline, a jungle, etc. All out of little Legos! They also had two little rides. I didn't get to go on them, however, as I was rejected at the front of the line for being pregnant. It never even occured to me that the slow moving ride might not be okay for pregnant women. I guess I've never tried to hop on a ride in either pregnancy. I just had to look on and act as if I was excited for everyone else :)

Yes, my little cuddler is giving Bob the Builder a good ol' Parker hug:

My brother's special talent:


amy said...

we wanted to go here but Dale wasn't sure how fun it would be. looks great though!