Monday, August 3, 2009

Introducing Baby Jo-Jo

Jonah Allen Walseth (aka Baby Jo-Jo, according to Parker) was born July 30, 2009 at 2:17pm. He was 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 20.75 in. long. After a quick labor, they put little Jonah on my chest, and I thought they handed me Parker. Wow, do they look alike! He is doing well so far, and Parker just loves him. I'm excited that he feels so comfortable with him around. He loves to pat him and kiss him and wants Jonah to use his blocks and toys. I keep trying to explain to him that he is not able to do those things yet, but Parker always invites him to join. We're excited to finally meet him and are trying to get settled at home together. Here are just a few pictures for now, but we will post some more soon. I know I'm not fast enough for some....


amy said...

he is so cute!!!

Ben and Erin said...

Congrats! So happy for you guys. What a cutie pie just like his big brother. Can't wait to meet him. :)

Erin K. said...

I know I'm a few months behind, but congrats! :-)