Sunday, February 3, 2008

Parker's favorite book

Parker loves this Elmo book. He will listen to it as many times as we are willing to read it. He's even starting to point to it with pleading eyes. It has a pop-up at the end and says "Elmo is soooo big!" Parker goes nuts. He squeals, laughs, hi-fives Elmo... He's playing with his toys so much more, which is nice for us as well! It's a little freeing to not have to be his entertainer all day, even though we love it most of the time. But with our house on the market, I need a little extra time to make the house look like we don't live in it :)


Linz said...

Just stumbled on your blog.. great pics! It's been awhile... take care.

Lindsey Merrill

Unknown said...

dude...parker is so cool. wish we were around so we could all hang out. good to see y'all this past weekend.